GBNW Holiday Party

This year Gracie Barra Northwest will be coming together on December 2nd at 8pm. The party takes place at Gracie Barra Seattle located at 270 S Hanford St #201, Seattle, WA 98134 FOOD TRUCKS. ALCOHOL.  DJ! All ADULT members of Gracie Barra are invited. Bring friends...


as another year comes to a close Gracie Barra Issaquah will be celebrating its 5th anniversary! NOVEMBER 18TH SATURDAY 11AM It's a potluck so please bring food to share.  all friends and family are invited. After a brief ceremony for belts and stripes we will fire up...

Results for the Rev are in

Gracie Barra Issaquah and GB Northwest overall represented well this weekend. GB Kids swept every category! GB adults won 1st place in gi and 2nd place overall. Good way to wrap up the year!   Now to the top team awards: The top 3 teams were for each category...

Halloween Open Mat

Happy Halloween! Tuesday October 31st all classes are canceled. Open mat only at 11:45am

Boxing Orientation Saturday 10/28

There is a boxing orientation this saturday at 11am. Free to attend. No gear necessary. must be at least 13 years old. orientation lasts about an hour and is a prerequisite if you plan to attend boxing classes.  

Lost and found

Lost and found gets donated on Friday. Please check before Friday!

Register for Rev by Monday Oct 16th

if you register for rev by the 16th you get the early registration rate PLUS the tournament t shirt! click image below to register

Competition class today

Doing rev? Or wanna help those that are? Come to competition class today at 11:45am.