Holiday Zoom Schedule for Kids

Holiday Zoom Schedule for Kids

Over the holidays, the Tuesday/Thursday classes with Professor Bree will stop after next Tuesday, December 15th & resume Tuesday, January 5th. Classes with Coach Jarred on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will continue through Wednesday, December 23rd then resume on...

No Zoom Class on Thanksgiving

No Zoom Class on Thanksgiving

We are especially grateful for our GB Issaquah family this season. You've embraced all of the adaptations and changes we've had to make during the pandemic and kept us afloat so that we will all have a place to train TOGETHER once this is all behind us. Thank you, GB...

3 New Opportunities to Train!

We'll be bringing back the live streaming (via Zoom) of the 5 PM Tuesday kids' class. The meeting ID and password are the same as before (see the above graphic). This will be ongoing until further notice as long as people are logging in. Beginning Monday, November...

Boxing orientation this Saturday

Boxing orientation this Saturday

For anyone 13 and older, interested in boxing or kickboxing classes, our next FREE orientation will be THIS Saturday, November 6, at 10:00 AM. Equipment not required.

Boxing orientation 10/10

Boxing orientation 10/10

Boxing orientation with coach dynamo this Saturday 10/10 at 10am. free and open to the public. No gear needed. DONT BE LATE

Kids Classes Today!

Kids Classes Today!

Lots of openings in kids classes today. visit the schedule page to sign up!

New Fall Schedule

New Fall Schedule

We’ve added more in-person training opportunities for kids coming into the fall. Check the website and/or the app to find the best time for your family. As long as these classes stay busy, they’ll stay on the schedule. We also will continue the Zoom-only on Wednesdays...

Boxing orientation 9/15

Boxing orientation 9/15

Tuesday September 15th at 1pm. Required for all boxing/kickboxing classes regardless of experience. Free. Open to the community for anyone 13 or older.

Closed Labor Day 9/7

Closed Labor Day 9/7

In observance of Labor Day, we will be closed on Monday, September 7th. Keep an eye out for new announcements after the holiday, including additional classes streaming as well as a new Zoom-only kids class.

Adult BJJ Zoom 7pm

Adult BJJ Zoom 7pm

Join us on zoom for an adult BJJ class tonight at 7pm. meeting id: 759 8180 8789 password: adultbjj