est. 2012

Issaquah, WA
Class Schedulevisit GB Issaquah

Boxing Orientation 7/19

Coach Dynamo's next boxing orientation is Tuesday, the 19th at 4:30pm.  Boxing orientation is free and required if you want to attend the boxing classes on Tuesday and Friday.

Prof. Griff Sombke July 25th

  Professor Griff is Owner and head instructor of Gracie Barra Edmonds.  He will be our guest instructor this month on Monday, July 25th at 630pm.  Prof. Griff is a very technical "big guy" with a unique style.  Don't miss this opportunity to learn some cool new...

boxing canceled today

there will be no boxing class today.  coach dynamo has some family stuff to attend to.  he'll be back teaching on friday.

4th of july schedule

happy Independence day! all classes will be canceled in observation of the holiday. we will be having an open mat at 11:45am

register for rev

don't forget to register for the bjj revolution tournament.  today is the last day for the free t shirt.  register early and pay less.