est. 2012

Issaquah, WA
Class Schedulevisit GB Issaquah

No Kids Class Saturday

kids class this saturday is canceled because we will be having a potluck/promotions ceremony at 11am. please come! bring food, friends, and family for eating, drinking, and rolling

Potluck/BBQ this saturday

This saturday 4/21 at 11am we will be havingĀ  potluck/promotions. bring friends and family, food, and your gi! KIDS CLASS IS CANCELED so that we can prepare for the potluck.   make sure you go to the facebook page to sign up for the dish youre bringing

boxing orientation

coach dynamo will be leading a boxing orientation THIS SUNDAY 4/15 AT 2PM free to attend. no equipment required. open to the public. just wear comfortable clothes and bring water