next boxing orientation
coach dynamo will be leading another boxing orientation on Tuesday august 23rd. thats one week from today. free and open to the public. boxing orientation is a prerequisite (no matter your experience level) if you plan to attend boxing or kickboxing classes at any...
upcoming tournaments
4 tournaments in the northwest that are right around the corner. click the image for a link to the registration and more info SUBLEAGUE OREGON OPEN SEPTEMBER 7 NAGA SEATTLE GRAPPLING CHAMPIONSHIP OCTOBER 3RD PROVING GROUNDS OCTOBER 8TH THE REVOLUTION NOVEMBER 12TH...
boxing orientation tomorrow
Coach Dynamo will be teaching another boxing orientation tomorrow at 4:30pm. The boxing orientation is free and open to public. It is also mandatory if you plan to attend any boxing or kickboxing classes.
Awesome showing at anti-bullying seminar!
glad you came! here's a few pictures.
This is a big week!
There are a lot of special events coming up so i thought id remind you... August 4th Thursday 5-6pm anti bullying seminar at Gracie Barra Issaquah -register here August 4th Thursday 6-8pm AJ Agazarm seminar at Gracie Barra Seattle -more info here August 6th Saturday...
One week until anti-bullying seminar
Thursday August 4th at 5pm. if you haven't registered yet, please do so here
ibjjf seattle open
registration closes this friday. click the image for more info or to register
summer bbq August 20th
save the date. August 20th will be our summer bbq/potluck. bring your friends, family, and something to eat. we'll get started around 11am. a quick promotions ceremony, some open mat, and lots of eating and drinking. hope you can make it
Prof. Cindy Hales August 18th
Professor Cindy Hales, head instructor of Gracie Barra Kirkland will be our guest instructor on Thursday, August 18th at 630pm. Professor Cindy is a highly accomplished and decorated competitor in BJJ, nogi grappling, and MMA. Don't miss this opportunity to...
boxing orientation today at 4:30
just a reminder that coach dynamo will be teaching a boxing orientation at 4:30pm today. try to make it if you can. they are required if you plan to attend boxing classes and the next orientation may be a month away!