party/promotions this saturday

so here's the plan for this weekend: we will get things going at 11am. some belts and stripes to start things off. after that we can begin eating! the asistin family is preparing pancit, chicken skewers, lumpia, and rice (pictures below) & hotdogs for anyone who'd...

No kids class saturday

10am kids class Saturday is canceled so that everyone can go to the revolution tournament to compete and/or support our team!  

End of the year party/fundraiser

our annual party and promotions will be a fundraiser this time around.  Saturday November 19th 11am.  the proceeds will go towards sending our athletes to pan ams! Angi and Michael Assistan (spider monkey's mom and dad) will be cooking up a bunch of delicious Filipino...

BJJ Revolution

Reminder: rev is in one week.  registration closes monday november 7th.    

4th Anniversary party

Gracie Barra Issaquah will be having its 4th anniversary potluck party on saturday november 19th at 11am. a few belts and stripes. be sure to bring some food to share. a lot of open mat rolling to follow promotions.

6am class

don't forget that we have 6am classes going on monday wednesday and friday.  be sure to contact brian walters before attending. he can be reached at

Boxing Orientation Saturday 11/5

Coach Dynamo will be holding another boxing orientation this Saturday. starts at 11am and ends around 12pm. It's free to attend.  feel free to invite friends and family. Orientation is required for all who are interested in attending boxing classes (regardless of...