Cindy Hales Seminar
Professor Cindy Hales will be leading a seminar this sunday starting at 12pm. the price is 40$ cash at the door. She will be covering her Bora Bora guard system.
Closed until 4pm
we will be closed this afternoon so that students and friends can attend a funeral. We will open at 4pm.
We have lost a beloved member of our Gracie Barra Issaquah family. Josephine Motzney, wife of Allon, mom of Naomi, Fiona, Asher & Adler (“Boat Snack”) Motzney, passed away due to the glioblastoma brain tumor she’d been fighting since last summer. A family friend...
No Kids Class Saturday
kids class this saturday is canceled because we will be having a potluck/promotions ceremony at 11am. please come! bring food, friends, and family for eating, drinking, and rolling
Pacific Northwest BJJ Camp
click image for more info
Professor Peter Menage Drilling workshop
click image for more info
Potluck/BBQ this saturday
This saturday 4/21 at 11am we will be having potluck/promotions. bring friends and family, food, and your gi! KIDS CLASS IS CANCELED so that we can prepare for the potluck. make sure you go to the facebook page to sign up for the dish youre bringing
boxing orientation
coach dynamo will be leading a boxing orientation THIS SUNDAY 4/15 AT 2PM free to attend. no equipment required. open to the public. just wear comfortable clothes and bring water
Spring Break Schedule
Congrats to our compnet competitors!
Gracie Barra Issaquah sent 13 athletes to the GB Compnet tournament this past weekend. They represented well!